

Connecting Nodes to Knowledge

An update from an alumni, Geng Tian

September 16, 2021

I graduated in May 2021 with an MA degree in Geography with specialization in Cartography and Geographic Information Science. As an alumnus of Geo-Social Lab, now I am working as a system developer at Meituan, Beijing, which is the third largest IT company in China. My major duty is compiling and managing HD maps of unmanned viehicles for food take-out delivery. I am also developing the map management website in React, with Ant Design Pro framework. In Geo-Social Lab, I developed FlowMapper.org. This experience strengthened my web programming skill substantially. I also took a wide variety of courses from computer science that helped me prepare for the work I am doing now. During my time at the University of Iowa and Geo-Social Lab, I also worked as an internship backend developer at ESRI, Online Feature Service group. My duty was optimizing the Azure Cosmos cache system for ArcGIS Online REST API. In short, I am greateful for the experiences I gained at UI and the lab, and I am happy doing what I do now.